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It took many years to accomplish the extensive task of narrowing down and finally selecting the organizations, businesses, and individuals that currently appear in RawFoodPlanet™. We have verified wherever possible the personal integrity, authenticity of claims and credentials of those linked, or listed in our FREE City & State Guides, as well as the effectiveness of the services rendered. Links & listings were chosen on the basis of our own positive interaction and word-of-mouth recommendations from those whose opinions we respect.

Nevertheless, while our linking/listing of a company does indicate that it was highly recommended at the time it was researched, the inclusion does not constitute an endorsement. Still, we believe that using our links/listings as a general guide will help you to find "the best," and will save you time and energy searching through "all the rest." For just as you may find that a few of the links/listings may have changed (people do change their url/website location), it is also true that the people/organizations may have changed, not always for the better.

Feel free to e-mail us and share your experiences---positive or negative---about the companies included on our site. Also, be sure to include suggestions for bettering the guide as well as new links & listings to be considered. 

Thank You,

Viktoras Kulvinskas, M.S., Karen Fierrro, Peter Firk & Barry Harris
Co-authors - RawFoodPlanet.com

©2005-2015 Peter E. Firk. All Rights Reserved.